
PSYFOOD Seminar – Jessica Werthmann


Attention bias for food, eating behaviour and body weight     Living in an “obesogenic” environment poses a serious challenge for weight maintenance. Yet, not everybody is equally susceptible to food temptations. The way in which someone perceives and reacts to this environment could contribute to individual differences in the susceptibility to food temptations. Recently, […]

At 11 h 15 min
LOCAL SOCR 23 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve

Department Seminar – Ana Figueiredo


Representations of colonialism and present day intergroup relations: The cases of Congolese immigrants in Belgium and of Portuguese colonial war veterans     Recent research has shown that, even if colonialism is now part of the past for many countries, the way people perceive and represent such a past influences (and is influenced) by present […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

PSYFOOD Seminar – Pierre Chandon


Pleasure as a Substitute for Size: How Multisensory Imagery Can Make People Happier with Smaller Food Portions   Research on overeating assumes that pleasure must be sacrificed for the sake of good health. Contrary to this view, the authors show that focusing on sensory pleasure can make people happier and willing to spend more for […]

At 9 h 30 min
Room SOCR 28 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL; Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve)

Department Seminar – Patrick Mollaret


Dis moi ce que tu rapportes je te dirai qui tu es : Pourquoi juge-t-on une personne sur sa valeur économique ?   L’idée d’une correspondance entre la personnalité (et l’intelligence) des gens et leur statut socio-économique a été initialement défendue par l’approche différentialiste anglo-saxonne, dans une perspective “personnologiste”. Dans ce schéma, des dispositions particulières […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

Department Seminar – Claudia Toma


Work More then Feel More: The Influence of Effort on Affective Forecasting   Claudia Toma¹, Gabriela Jiga-Boy² & Olivier Corneille³     When we invest effort into something, most of us expect material or emotional pay-offs. For example, when putting effort into a research project, we expect satisfaction and proud if the project gets funded, but disappointment […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

Department Seminar – Elisa Sarda


Jeux vidéo et sexisme   Dans les dernières années les jeux vidéo ont gagné une place toujours plus importante dans la vie des jeunes et des adultes. A tel point que les chercheurs se sont de plus en plus intéressés aux conséquences provoquées par l’utilisation des jeux vidéo. La majeure partie de ces recherches s’est […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

Department Seminar – Sylvain Delouvée


“Nos bonnes raisons de croire”: Connaissance, adhésion et transmission des idées conspirationnistes et des rumeurs À en croire le discours médiatique, les théories du complot et autres conspirations prolifèreraient ces dernières années et permettraient d’expliquer une grande partie des événements politiques ou socio-économiques (voir, notamment, la profusion de dossiers thématiques et autres articles de la […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

Conference organized by the GERME / Talk by Antoine Roblain


Not just a matter of culture: The influence of mandatory integration programs on perception of immigrant acculturation   ABSTRACT: The integration of immigrants and the definition of what is a “suitable” immigrant are still subjects to intense debate. Research has shown that members of the national majority group consider host culture adoption by immigrants as […]

At 13 h 00 min


Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt CP122
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
Phone: +32 (2) 650 4643 Fax: +32 (2) 650 4045