
Department Seminar – Patricia Mélotte & Kenzo Nera


« Je suis féministe et… » : Influence de l’étiquette féministe sur la perception des femmes   ABSTRACT: Ces dernières décennies ont été marquées par de nombreux progrès pour les droits des femmes. Ceux-ci n’auraient pas été possibles sans les combats des mouvements féministes, pourtant, les féministes sont, en général, perçues de manière négative et […]

At 12 h 30 min
Room DC8.322

Departement Seminar – Maartje Mulders


To read or not to read: food labels and nutrition involvement   ABSTRACT: Together with the increase in obesity, the popularity of healthier foods with lower calorie and fat density have also increased. This has been coined ‘the (American) obesity paradox’. Food intake may be directly influenced by the perception of a food, like its […]

At 12 h 30 min
Room DB8.142

Department Seminar – Almudena Claassen


The impact of supermarket status on food choices and perceptions   ABSTRACT: Obesity levels are rising, and especially so in economically disadvantaged populations. People with low income live in poor neighborhoods were supermarket access and variety is limited, and tend to buy cheaper food that is often higher in calories. Hard discount supermarkets are associated […]

At 13 h 00 min
Room DB8.142

Conference organized by the GERME / Talk by Antoine Roblain


Not just a matter of culture: The influence of mandatory integration programs on perception of immigrant acculturation   ABSTRACT: The integration of immigrants and the definition of what is a “suitable” immigrant are still subjects to intense debate. Research has shown that members of the national majority group consider host culture adoption by immigrants as […]

At 13 h 00 min

Departement Seminar – Djouaria Ghilani


When the Past Predicts the Future: The effect of Historical Analogies on Conflict-related judgments ABSTRACT: When the Crimean crisis started to draw international focus on March 2014, former US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said that Putin’s actions were similar to “what Hitler did back in the 30’s”. Besides being among the first to effectively […]

At 12 h 30 min
room DC8.322

Departement Seminar – Jozefien De Leersnyder (University of Leuven)


Emotional Acculturation ABSTRACT: Patterns of emotions – how frequently and intensely people experience a range of emotions – differ across cultures in line with cultural differences in salient concerns. Therefore, changes in people’s cultural context (e.g., due to migration) may bring about changes in their patterns of emotional experience – a process we coined emotional […]

At 12 h 30 min

Departement Seminar – Emilie Caspar


Doing the dirty work – influence of coercion of the sense of agency ABSTRACT: In the so-called Nuremberg defense, people claimed they were not responsible for their despicable actions because they were only « obeying orders ». In the famous experiments of Stanley Milgram (1963, 1974), experimenters persuaded participants to inflict allegedly painful (and deadly) electric shocks […]

At 12 h 30 min
room DC8.322

Departement Seminar – Vincent Yzerbyt


Compensation between competence and warmth in intergroup relations: Structural and strategic foundations ABSTRACT: Recent work in intergroup relations stresses the role of two fundamental dimensions, competence and warmth. A pattern often encountered in people’s evaluations is one of compensation in that a group that is seen higher than another group on one of these two […]

At 12 h 30 min


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