##################################################################### ############### TWOWAY SIMPLE SLOPES MACRO ############################ ###### Version 1.1 // 9.1.07 // by J. Ullrich ####################### ########################################################################## TWOWAY y= /x= /m= /z= /rs= /alpha= /n= /high= /low= . EXE. ######################################################################### # This is how the command works: ######################################################################### # TWOWAY y= your dependent variable here # /x= your focal predictor here # /m= your moderator here # /z= standardize predictors, yes (1) or no (0)? # /rs= calculate region of significance, yes (1) or no (0)? # /alpha= your desired alpha level for rs (e.g., .05) # /n= your sample size (after listwise deletion of missings) # /high= your high conditional value of m # /low= your low conditional value of m. # EXE. ######################################################################### # The simplest way to use the command is to specify only the DV, # the focal predictor variable, and the moderator variable, # and set z to 1. # The command will then standardize the predictor variables before # computing the product term and use 1 SD below/above the mean as # the conditional values of the moderator variable. There is no need to # include more arguments (although SPSS will produce error message #4024, # talking about omitted operands, which you may ignore). # Note that the macro temporarily removes all missing values. However, # the macro treats any user-defined missing values (i.e., anything other # than the sysmis value of ',') as real data! So please check if your # dataset involves any user-defined missing values and change them to # ','. # Optionally, you can set rs to 1 in order to get the limits of the # region of significance for the focal predictor variable. In this case, # you must provide the effective sample size (after listwise deletion of # missing values) and the desired alpha level. # If you wish to use other conditional values than 1 SD below/above the # mean, set z to 0 and provide appropriate high and low conditional # values. ######################################################################### # See notes for details. Updates may appear on this website: # # Comments and suggestions to ullrich at ######################################################################### # Run the rest of the syntax to define the macro for the current session. ######################################################################### DEFINE TWOWAY (y = !charend('/') /x = !charend('/') /m = !charend('/') /z = !charend('/') /rs = !charend('/') !default(0) /alpha = !charend('/') /n = !charend('/') /high = !charend('/') !default(1) /low = !charend('/') !default(1)). DO IF (!rs=1). COMPUTE tcrit = idf.t(1-!alpha/2,!n-4). ELSE IF(!rs=0). COMPUTE tcrit = 0. END IF. MATRIX. get dd/variables = !y !x !m tcrit /names mmnms /missing = omit. compute n = nrow(dd). compute df = n - 4. compute const = make(n,1,1). compute data=dd. compute yy=data(:,1). compute xx=data(:,2). compute mm=data(:,3). compute tcrit=data(1,4). compute meanx = msum(xx)/nrow(xx). compute devx = xx - meanx. compute sqx= mssq(devx). compute sdx = sqrt(sqx/(n-1)). compute xz = devx/sdx. compute meanm = msum(mm)/nrow(mm). compute devm = mm - meanm. compute sqm= mssq(devm). compute sdm = sqrt(sqm/(n-1)). compute mz = devm/sdm. compute xname = mmnms(1,2). compute mname = mmnms(1,3). compute he = t({"Constant", xname, mname, "Product"}). do if (!z = 1). compute xm = xz&*mz. compute pred = {const,xz,mz,xm}. compute b = inv(t(pred)*pred)*t(pred)*yy. compute hat = pred * b. compute err = cssq(hat - yy)/df. compute vcov = err * inv(t(pred)*pred). compute se = {sqrt(vcov(1,1)); sqrt(vcov(2,2)); sqrt(vcov(3,3));sqrt(vcov(4,4))}. compute t1 = abs(b(1)/sqrt(vcov(1,1))). compute t2 = abs(b(2)/sqrt(vcov(2,2))). compute t3 = abs(b(3)/sqrt(vcov(3,3))). compute t4 = abs(b(4)/sqrt(vcov(4,4))). compute p1 = 2*(1-TCDF(t1,df)). compute p2 = 2*(1-TCDF(t2,df)). compute p3 = 2*(1-TCDF(t3,df)). compute p4 = 2*(1-TCDF(t4,df)). compute bt = {t1;t2;t3;t4}. compute bp = {p1;p2;p3;p4}. compute out = {b, se, bt, bp}. print /title="+++ TWOWAY Moderated Multiple Regression Results +++". print out /title=" " /clabels = "b" "SE" "t" "p(>|t|)"/rnames = he /format f10.4. print df /title="degrees of freedom (error)". print vcov /title="Variances and covariances of predictors"/format=E12.0. compute high=!high. compute low=!low*-1. compute sslowm = b(2)+(low * b(4)). print /title="simple slope at low moderator value:". compute sslowmse = sqrt(vcov(2,2) + (2*low*vcov(2,4)) + ((low**2)*vcov(4,4))). compute tlow = abs(sslowm/sslowmse). compute plow = 2*(1-TCDF(tlow,df)). compute outm1 = {sslowm, sslowmse,tlow, plow}. print outm1 /title = " "/clabels= "b" "SE" "t" "p(>|t|)"/format f10.4. compute sshim = b(2)+(high * b(4)). print /title="simple slope at high moderator value:". compute sshise = sqrt(vcov(2,2) + (2*high*vcov(2,4)) + ((high**2)*vcov(4,4))). compute thigh = abs(sshim/sshise). compute phigh = 2*(1-TCDF(thigh,df)). compute outm2 = {sshim, sshise, thigh, phigh}. print outm2 /title = " "/clabels= "b" "SE" "t" "p(>|t|)"/format f10.4. do if (!rs=1). compute rsa = (((tcrit**2)*vcov(4,4))-b(4)**2). compute rsb = (2*(((tcrit**2)*vcov(2,4))-(b(2)*b(4)))). compute rsc = (((tcrit**2)*vcov(2,2))-b(2)**2). compute rs1 = (-rsb + sqrt((rsb**2)-(4*rsa*rsc)))/(2*rsa). compute rs2 = (-rsb - sqrt((rsb**2)-(4*rsa*rsc)))/(2*rsa). compute rs12 = {rs1;rs2}. print /title="+++ Region of Significance Results +++". print rs12/title="focal predictor is significant between these moderator values:". end if. else if (!z = 0). compute xm = xx&*mm. compute pred = {const,xx,mm,xm}. compute b = inv(t(pred)*pred)*t(pred)*yy. compute hat = pred * b. compute err = cssq(hat - yy)/df. compute vcov = err * inv(t(pred)*pred). compute se = {sqrt(vcov(1,1)); sqrt(vcov(2,2)); sqrt(vcov(3,3));sqrt(vcov(4,4))}. compute out = {b, se}. print /title="+++ TWOWAY Moderated Multiple Regression Results +++". print out /title=" " /clabels = "b" "SE" /rnames = he /format f10.4. print df /title="degrees of freedom (error)". print vcov /title="Variances and covariances of predictors"/format=E12.0. compute high=!high. compute low=!low. compute sslowm = b(2)+(low * b(4)). print /title="simple slope at low moderator value:". compute sslowmse = sqrt(vcov(2,2) + (2*low*vcov(2,4)) + ((low**2)*vcov(4,4))). compute tlow = abs(sslowm/sslowmse). compute plow = 2*(1-TCDF(tlow,df)). compute outm1 = {sslowm, sslowmse,tlow, plow}. print outm1 /title = " "/clabels= "b" "SE" "t" "p(>|t|)"/format f10.4. compute sshim = b(2)+(high * b(4)). print /title="simple slope at high moderator value:". compute sshise = sqrt(vcov(2,2) + (2*high*vcov(2,4)) + ((high**2)*vcov(4,4))). compute thigh = abs(sshim/sshise). compute phigh = 2*(1-TCDF(thigh,df)). compute outm2 = {sshim, sshise, thigh, phigh}. print outm2 /title = " "/clabels= "b" "SE" "t" "p(>|t|)"/format f10.4. do if (!rs=1). compute rsa = (((tcrit**2)*vcov(4,4))-b(4)**2). compute rsb = (2*(((tcrit**2)*vcov(2,4))-(b(2)*b(4)))). compute rsc = (((tcrit**2)*vcov(2,2))-b(2)**2). compute rs1 = (-rsb + sqrt((rsb**2)-(4*rsa*rsc)))/(2*rsa). compute rs2 = (-rsb - sqrt((rsb**2)-(4*rsa*rsc)))/(2*rsa). compute rs12 = {rs1;rs2}. print /title="+++ Region of Significance Results +++". print rs12/title="focal predictor is significant between these moderator values:". end if. else. print /title =" Wrong value specified for z. Use 1 or 0." . end if. END MATRIX. delete variables tcrit. !END DEFINE.