Publication : Tasteful Brands: Products of Brands Perceived to be Warm and Competent Taste Subjectively Better
New publication by members of our center. Fully open access! “Tasteful Brands: Products of Brands Perceived to be Warm and Competent Taste Subjectively Better” by Boyka Bratanova, Nicolas Kervyn, & Olivier Klein Abstract Using survey and experimental data, the present research examines the effect of brand perception on experienced taste. The content of brand perception […]
Publication – The Exonerating Effect of Sexual Objectification
The Exonerating Effect of Sexual Objectification: Sexual Objectification Decreases Rapist Blame in a Stranger Rape Context Philippe Bernard, Steve Loughnan, Cynthie Marchal, Audrey Godart, Olivier Klein ABSTRACT A blossoming body of research documents the effect of sexual objectification on social perception, but little is known about the consequences of sexual objectification. This paper examines how […]
Publication – From Sex Objects to Human Beings
From Sex Objects to Human Beings Masking Sexual Body Parts and Humanization as Moderators to Women’s Objectification Philippe Bernard Sarah J. Gervais Jill Allen Alice Delmée Olivier Klein ABSTRACT : Recent studies have shown that sexualized female bodies are objectified at a cognitive level. Research using the body-inversion recognition task, a robust indicator […]
The shape of the future
Publication – Now Online !
Food advertisements: do they make you feel hungry, sexy or greedy?
Tableau synthétique des différentes méthodes statistiques utilisées
Niveau de mesure de la variable dépendante Nombre et Type de Facteur(s) Nominal Intervalle ou Continu 1 Facteur Tests Globaux Comparaisons Spécifiques Inter-Sujets Khi-deux Test T pour échantillons indépendants (si facteur à deux niveaux) Analyse de Variance à un Facteur Contrastes (si plus de deux niveaux) Tests de comparaisons multiples Intra-Sujets – Test T […]