Literacy, perceptions of justice, identification with society, and conspiracy belief

Literacy, perceptions of justice, identification with society, and conspiracy belief Camilla Arnal (CeSCuP, ULB) My thesis focuses on understanding how literacy, perceptions of justice, and identification with society relate to conspiracy belief. Within the framework of the social psychology seminar, I will be presenting the results of two studies I


25 June 2024 - 12 h 45 min


25 June 2024 - 14 h 00 min


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Departement Seminar

Literacy, perceptions of justice, identification with society, and conspiracy belief

Camilla Arnal (CeSCuP, ULB)

My thesis focuses on understanding how literacy, perceptions of justice, and identification with society relate to conspiracy belief. Within the framework of the social psychology seminar, I will be presenting the results of two studies I have conducted. In the first study, we will see how perceptions of justice are key to understanding belief in conspiracy theories. In the second study, we will examine how adolescents in vocational, technical, and general educational tracks exhibit different levels of perceived justice, identification with society, and belief in conspiracy theories. These studies provide insight into the factors influencing conspiracy beliefs, suggesting potential areas for intervention.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CeSCuP ainsi qu’en ligne, via ce lien :


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