
Department Seminar – Emanuele Politi


The best way of becoming Swiss: The role of descriptive and prescriptive norms of acculturation on acceptance of naturalized citizens by Politi, E. & Staerklé, C. (University of Lausanne)   Naturalization is an increasingly common practice in Switzerland and throughout Europe, with substantial consequences in terms of intergroup power relations. Research has found that naturalized citizens […]

At 15 h 00 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DB9.249 - 9th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Department Seminar – Iskra Herak


Attribution of humanness in an advertisement context   Ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman entities and disavowing them from humans are two instantiations of the same process. The former is called anthropomorphism, and the latter is known as dehumanization. Although leading authors recognized that these phenomena are two ends of the same continuum, there has been […]

At 12 h 30 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

PSYFOOD Seminar – Irena Domachowska


Deliciously healthy: Healthy food cues elicit approach motivation and reduce breadth of attention   I will present results of my research on the influence of appetitive food cues on attentional breadth. In Experiment 1, we replicated findings of an influential study conducted by Gable and Harmon-Jones (2008), in which the authors demonstrated that appetitive stimuli […]

At 11 h 30 min
Place Cardinal Mercier, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (UCL - Room Socrate 23)

Department Seminar – Ana Figueiredo


Historical and present-day intergroup relations between Mapuche and non-indigenous in Chile   At present, the Mapuche people are the largest indigenous group living in Chile (INE, 2013) and, up until the present day, they are considered a disadvantaged group in Chilean society in terms of poverty, education and discrimination indicators (Agostini, Brown, & Roman, 2010; […]

At 12 h 30 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Department Seminar – Judit Kende


Who defines equality for whom? The interplay of equality and intergroup contact   My research is on intergroup contact i.e. interpersonal meeting between people from different social groups and (in)equality. I focus on the interplay between contact and equality in real-life intergroup contexts. Bridging intergroup contact research with cultural psychology, I examine (1) how cultural […]

At 12 h 30 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Department seminar – Daniël Lakens


Daniël Lakens @ CeSCuP   Daniël Lakens is an assistant Professor at the Human-Technology Interaction group at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. He is the author of numerous articles in prestigious journals such as Perspectives on psychological sciences, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Via his blog, […]

At 12 h 00 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels

PSYFOOD Seminar – David Marchiori


Promoting healthy food choices among (aware) customers      Nudges are subtle physical rearrangements of a choice context that gently suggest “better” choices without forbidding any option or making any option more costly in terms of time, money, trouble, or social sanctions. For example, placing healthy food at eye level counts as a nudge, banning […]

At 11 h 30 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Department Seminar – Yoshimiko Owaki


Determinants of Language Acquisition and Immigrant Integration   What affects immigrants to acquire capitals and how are they generated? In an attempt to address the question, I first develop a model of immigrant language acquisition to identify the determinants of destination language proficiency. Subsequently, I extend the modeling framework to devise a model of immigrant […]

At 12 h 30 min
50 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)


Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt CP122
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
Phone: +32 (2) 650 4643 Fax: +32 (2) 650 4045