
The Dynamics of Collective Action Participation: Insights from two longitudinal panel studies in Chile


The Dynamics of Collective Action Participation: Insights from two longitudinal panel studies in Chile Prof. Roberto González (Professor of Social Psychology, School of Psychology, P. Universidad Católica de Chile) This talk analyzes participation in collective action as a dynamic phenomenon that emerges and unfolds due to several socio-psychosocial factors. It brings together three studies that […]

At 12 h 45 min

Perceived Threats and Defensive Identities: A Psycho-Political investigation into Britishness in 2020


Perceived Threats and Defensive Identities: A Psycho-Political investigation into Britishness in 2020 Dr Tabitha Baker (Bournemouth University, Lecturer in Politics, UK) In 2020, three political, social, and cultural significant events occurred within months of each other: Britain’s official exit from the European Union, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the uprising of the Black […]

At 12 h 45 min

Rethinking the problem of misinformation


Rethinking the problem of misinformation Dr. Sacha Altay (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Zurich) People across the world are concerned about misinformation and conspiracy theories, scientists are developing interventions to fight it, and policy makers are pouring money into the field. Most of the misinformation hype is based on the idea that people are gullible, consume […]

At 12 h 45 min

More careful ≠ less carless: The comparative nature of counterfactual thoughts alters judgments of their impact


More careful ≠ less carless: The comparative nature of counterfactual thoughts alters judgments of their impact Karl-Andrew Woltin (Professeur, Université Catholique de Louvain) A more-less asymmetry has been demonstrated in responses to claims about differences: People evaluate more positively, consider more likely true, and agree more with claims making more-than rather than less-than comparisons, presumably […]

At 12 h 45 min

Croire ou ne pas croire en la méritocratie scolaire : du confort individuel au désengagement collectif


Croire ou ne pas croire en la méritocratie scolaire : du confort individuel au désengagement collectif Céline Darnon (Professeure de psychologie sociale, Université Clermont Auvergne) Ce séminaire aura lieu en présentiel à l’adresse suivante : ULB Solbosch, local UB2.139 (Bâtiment U, porte B, local 139 au réz-de-chausse, plan ici:

At 11 h 30 min

Can individuals who (de)humanize immigrants the most be able to support them? The power of imagined positive contact


Can individuals who (de)humanize immigrants the most be able to support them? The power of imagined positive contact Pinar Celik (Associate Professor, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management) To what extent might intergroup contact interventions have a positive effect on individuals who dehumanise immigrants? Dehumanization is the psychological process of denying humanness to outgroup […]

At 12 h 45 min

Size does matter! Experimental evidence of differences in intergroup helping behaviors depending on group status, and other stuff


Size does matter! Experimental evidence of differences in intergroup helping behaviors depending on group status, and other stuff Mado Hanioti (Université libre de Bruxelles) In this talk, I will talk about two experimental studies that aimed to add to the existing literature on intergroup helping through by, firstly, examining and trying to replicate the effect of […]

At 12 h 45 min
50 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Unité de Psychologie Sociale CP122. Campus du Solbosch, bâtiment D, 8e étage, salle de séminaire (DC8.322)

Passive Social Media Use Positively Predicts Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories: The Mediating Role of Personal Relative Deprivation


Passive Social Media Use Positively Predicts Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories: The Mediating Role of Personal Relative Deprivation Dr. Theofilos Gkinopoulos (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities) Social media use occupies a prominent space in social sciences scholarship and beyond. However, the distinction between active and passive use of social media, although important in explaining […]

At 12 h 45 min
50 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Unité de Psychologie Sociale CP122. Campus du Solbosch, bâtiment D, 8e étage, salle de séminaire (DC8.322)


Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt CP122
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
Phone: +32 (2) 650 4643 Fax: +32 (2) 650 4045