Betty Chang
Present experience
Research collaborator on the Ostrich Problem, since March 2012 https://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/research/groups/theostrichproblem
Postdoctoral researcher on the Food for Gut project, since April 2015 http://sites.uclouvain.be/FOOD4GUT/decouvrir-le-projet/
2004: Bachelor of Psychology (Hons), First class Honours, University of New South Wales, Australia (2001-2004)
2008: PhD in Psychology, University of New South Wales, Australia (2005-2008)
Thesis: Salience asymmetries in the Implicit Association Test
Eating behaviour
Emotion and emotion regulation
- Harkin, B., Webb, T., Chang, B.P.I., Prestwich, A., Conner, M., Kellar, I., Benn, Y., Sheeran, P. (in press) Does Monitoring Goal Progress Promote Goal Attainment? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence. Psychological Bulletin.
- Byrne, S. P., Hunt, C. J., & Chang, B. P. (2015). Comparing the Roles of Ambiguity and Unpredictability in Intolerance of Uncertainty. Behaviour Change, 32(01), 26-34.
- Benn, Y., Webb, T. L., Chang, B. P., & Reidy, J. (2015). What information do consumers consider, and how do they look for it, when shopping for groceries online?. Appetite, 89, 265-273.
- Benn, Y., Webb, T. L., Chang, B. P., Sun, Y. H., Wilkinson, I. D., & Farrow, T. F. (2014). The neural basis of monitoring goal progress. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8.
- Webb, T. L., Benn, Y., & Chang, B. P. (2014). Antecedents and consequences of monitoring domestic electricity consumption. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, 228-238.
- Chang, B., Webb, T. L., & Benn, Y. (2014). Teaching & Learning Guide for ‘The Ostrich Problem’: Motivated Avoidance or Rejection of Information About Goal Progress. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(1), 41-44.
- Webb, T. L., Chang, B. P. I., & Benn, Y. (2014). ‘The Ostrich Problem’: Motivated avoidance or rejection of information about goal progress. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 794-807.
- Di Schiena, R., Luminet, O., Chang, B., & Philippot, P. (2013). Why are Depressive Individuals Indecisive? Different Modes of Rumination Account for Indecision in Non-clinical Depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37(4), 713-724.
- Vermeulen, N., Chang, B., Corneille, O., Pleyers, G. & Mermillod, M. (2012). Verifying properties of concepts spontaneously requires sharing resources with same modality percept. Cognitive processing, 14(1), 81-87.
- Vermeulen, N., Chang, B., Mermillod, M., Pleyers, G. & Corneille, O. (2012). Memory for words representing modal concepts spontaneously requires sharing resources with same modality percept. Experimental psychology, 60(4), 293.
- Grynberg, D., Chang, B., Corneille, O., Maurage, P., Vermeulen, N., Berthoz, S. & Luminet, O. (2012). Alexithymia and the Processing of Emotional Facial Expressions (EFEs): Systematic Review, Unanswered Questions and Further Perspectives. PLoS One, 7(8), e42429.
- Maurage, P., Callot, C., Chang, B.P.I., Philippot, P, Rombaux, P, & de Timary, P (2011). Olfactory Impairment Is Correlated with Confabulation in Alcoholism: Towards a Multimodal Testing of Orbitofrontal Cortex. PloS ONE, 6(8), e23190.
- Chang, B. P. I., & Mitchell, C. J. (2011). Discriminating between the effects of valence and salience in the Implicit Association Test. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(11), 2251-2275.
- Chang, B.P.I. & Vermeulen, N. (2010). Re-thinking the causes, processes, and consequences of simulation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33, 441-442.
- Mitchell C.J., Wardle S., Lovibond P.F. Weidemann G, & Chang, B.P.I. (2010). Do reaction times in the Perruchet effect reflect variations in the strength of an associative link? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory & Cognition, 36, 567-572.
- Molesworth, B. R. C., & Chang, B.P.I. (2009). Predicting pilots’ risk-taking behavior through an Implicit Association Test. Human Factors, 51, 845-857.
- Chang, B.P.I., & Mitchell, C.J. (2009). Processing fluency as a source of salience asymmetries in the Implicit Association Test. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 2030-2054.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Departmental Seminar – Betty Chang | 1.5 Hours | 25 April 2017 | |
Department Seminar – Betty Chang | 1.5 Hours | 5 April 2016 |