- Master in social and intercultural psychology (2014-2016)
- October 1st, 2018 – October 1st, 2022: FNRS research fellow (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Since February 22nd, 2022: PhD in Social Psychology
- October 1st, 2022 – September 31st, 2023: postdoctoral researcher (Université catholique de Louvain)
- October 1st, 2023 – : FRS-FNRS postdoctoral researcher
- Conspiracy theories
- Social identity
- Stigmatisation of “conspiracy theorists”
- Self-referential conspiracy theories (i.e., pertaining to the weaponisation of the label “conspiracy theories”)
- Group inequalities
Scientific publications
Nera, K., Douglas, K. M., Bertin, P., Delouvée, S., & Klein, O. (2024). Conspiracy beliefs and the perception of intergroup inequalities. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672241279085.
Nera, K., Bertin, P., Biddlestone, M., Tagand, M., & Klein, O. (2024). Are conspiracy theory believers drawn to conspiratorial explanations, alternatives explanations, or both?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 115, 104640.
Nera, K., Frenay, M., & Paquot, M. (2024). Improving argumentation quality on MOOC discussion forums: does learning to identify components of arguments help?. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20:17.
Nera, K. (2024). Thinking the Relationships Between Conspiracy Mentality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: Working Assumptions for a New Research Agenda. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 232(1). https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000551
Nera, K. (2024). Analysing the Causation Between Conspiracy Mentality and Conspiracy Beliefs: Potential Pitfalls and Leads to Address Them. [Research spotlight] Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 232(1). https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000533
Nera, K., Jetten, J., Biddlestone, M., & Klein, O. (2022). “Who Wants to Silence Us?” Perceived Discrimination of Conspiracy Theory Believers Increases “Conspiracy Theorist” Identification When it Comes From Powerholders – But not From the General Public. British Journal of Social Psychology (online). https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12536
Roblain, A., Gale, J., Abboud, S., Arnal Bacalao, C., Bornand, T., Hanioti Kokkoli, M., Klein, O., Klein, P., Lastrego, S., Licata, L., Mora, Y., Nera, K., Van der Linden, N., Van Oost, P., & Toma, C. (2022). Social control and solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: the direct and indirect effects of causal attribution of insufficient compliance through perceived anomie. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2600
Nera, K. (2021) Pourquoi se croit-on si souvent plus malin que les autres ? Eléments de réponses issus de la recherche en psychologie. In-Mind FR, 1(2). https://fr.in-mind.org/fr/article/pourquoi-se-croit-on-si-souvent-plus-malin-que-les-autres-elements-de-reponses-issus-de-la
Nera, K., Wagner‐Egger, P., Bertin, P., Douglas, K. M., & Klein, O. (2021). A power‐challenging theory of society, or a conservative mindset? Upward and downward conspiracy theories as ideologically distinct beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(4-5), 740-757. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2769
Bertin, P., Nera, K., Hamer, K., Uhl-Haedicke, I., & Delouvée, S. (2021). Stand out of my sunlight: The mediating role of climate change conspiracy beliefs in the relationship between national collective narcissism and acceptance of climate science. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24(5), 738-758. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cnmfa
Klein, O., & Nera, K. (2021). Psychologie politique du complotisme à l’ère du COVID-19. La Revue Nouvelle, 2021(1), 14-18. https://doi.org/10.3917/rn.211.0014
Bertin, P., Nera, K., & Delouvée, S. (2020). Conspiracy Beliefs, Rejection of Vaccination, and Support for (hydroxy)chloroquine: A Conceptual Replication-Extension in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:565128. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.565128
Nera, K., Leveaux, S., & Klein, P. P. L. E. (2020). A “Conspiracy Theory” Conspiracy? A Mixed Methods Investigation of Laypeople’s Rejection (and Acceptance) of a Controversial Label. International Review of Social Psychology, 33(1), 13. https://doi.org/10.5334/irsp.401
Aromatario, A., de Morati, L., & Nera, K. (2020). L’adoption en Belgique francophone. Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 37(2482), 5-52.
Nera, K., Pantazi, M., & Klein, O. (2018). “These are just stories, Mulder”: Exposure to conspiracist fiction does not produce narrative persuasion. Frontiers in Psychology 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00684
Wagner-Egger, P., & Nera, K. (2022). Complotisme et extrémisme. Dans Arciszewski, T. (Ed.), Psychologie de l’extrémisme et du terrorisme. De Boeck supérieur.
Klein, O., Nera, K., & Arnal, C. (2021). L’érosion de la démocratie par le complotisme. In Huyghe, F. (Ed.). Méfiance et crédulité des foules, Vol. 5, 6-10. Institut de recherches internationales et stratégiques
Klein, O., & Nera, K. (2020). Social psychology of conspiracy theories. In Butter, M., & Knight, P. (Eds.). Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories (pp. 121-134). Routledge.
Nera, K. (2023). Complotisme et quête identitaire. Puf.
Nera, K., & Yzerbyt, V. (2019). Qui (n’) a (pas) aimé “Joker” ? Comment le positionnement politique influence la réception d’une fiction. The Conversation France. Retrieved from: https://theconversation.com/qui-n-a-pas-aime-joker-comment-le-positionnement-politique-influence-la-reception-dune-fiction-125409
Nera, K. (2018). Biais de raisonnement et dangers des algorithmes. The Conversation France. Retrieved from: https://theconversation.com/biais-de-raisonnement-et-dangers-des-algorithmes-120543