Yasemin Uluşahin

Yasemin Uluşahin


(2025 – present) FNRS-PDR Postdoctoral Research Fellow, (ULB, Belgium)

(2018–2023) PhD in Social and Political Psychology, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK

(2016–2017) MSc in Social and Cultural Psychology,  London School of Economics, UK

  • Conspiracy Theories
  • Group Processes
  • Leadership
  • Mobilization
  • Social Identity Theory

Scientific Journals

Uluşahin, Y., Mavor, K., & Reicher, S. (2024). A political psychology of the link between populist beliefs and compliance with COVID-19 containment measures. Frontiers in Political Science, 6. https://doi.org/doi: 10.3389/fpos.2024.1279798

Uysal, M. S., Jurstakova, K., & Uluşahin, Y. (2022). An Integrative Social Identity Model of Populist Leadership. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12713

Book Chapters 

Uluşahin, Y., Akpınar, E., Acar, Y. G., Tekin, S., Ayvacık, M., Sandal-Önal, E., & Gezici-Yalçın, M. (in press). Who represents “the people” in 2023 Turkey? The political utilisation of crowds at political rallies. In M. S. Uysal & S. Vestergren (Eds.), Social psychology of leaders and crowds. Routledge.

Reicher, S., & Ulusahin, Y. (2020). Resentment and Redemption: On the Mobilization of Dominant Group Victimhood. In J. R. Vollhardt (Ed.), The Social Psychology of Collective Victimhood (pp. 275–294). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190875190.003.0013

Blog Posts

Uluşahin, Y. (2020, July 12). Sosyal izolasyon günlerinde “bizi uzaktan sevmek” (“Loving us from a distance” in days of social isolation). Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https://livetobloom.com/sosyal-izolasyon-gunlerinde-bizi-uzaktan- sevmek/

Uluşahin, Y. (2020, June 17). Dynamics of Loss: Consequences of Feeling Ignored by the Powerful and Attitudes Towards Out-Groups in The official Medium account for the International Society of Political Psychology, Retrieved from https://polpsyispp.medium.com/dynamics-of- loss-1fc26791183a

Uluşahin, Y. (2019). Looking at Radicalization and Its Place in the Conventional Political Sphere from a Mobilization Perspective. Istanbul Bilgi University PRIME Youth Website. Retrieved 15 September 2021, from https://bpy.bilgi.edu.tr/en/ blog/looking-radicalization-and-its-place-conventional/


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