Departement Seminar


Presenting, it’s a skill!

Presenting, it’s a skill! During this presentation I will provide some tips and tricks on how to present well. Some skills were taught to me during a class in university, some were skills I developed over time. Not only will there be some time devoted to the practical aspects (e.g., how to make good slides), […]

By Cescup |

Joint CeSCuP-STRIGES-MSH Seminar – Annique Smeding

Exemples et réflexions sur les attitudes et les stéréotypes de genre dans une perspective de cognition sociale située   Sur la base d’études récentes ou en cours ciblant spécifiquement les stéréotypes de genre, ce séminaire visera plus globalement à présenter la pertinence d’une inscription de l’étude des stéréotypes et des attitudes dans une perspective de […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Cristina Aelenei & Robin Wollast

A l’occasion du dernier séminaire de l’année, nous accueillons exceptionnellement deux présentations pour un séminaire de clôture centré sur le parcours académique: *** TALK 1 (12:30 à 13h15): Inégalités de genre dans les choix académiques: enjeux identitaires et de compétence Cristina Aelenei1 La meilleure réussite scolaire des filles est attestée à l’heure actuelle par la quasi-totalité des […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Sandy Schumann

Radical News? Muslim Immigrants’ Television Use and Support for Terrorism   By Sandy Schumann (in coll. with Danny Osbourne, Benjamin Fell, & Miles Hewstone)   Public opinion polls of Muslim immigrants in the West show that the overwhelming majority rejects terrorism. We focus on the small proportion that endorses terrorist action; they may facilitate the […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Tobias Stark

A social network perspective on the extended contact hypothesis   There is ample evidence for the extended contact hypothesis, which argues that knowing that ingroup friends have outgroup friends is sufficient to reduce prejudice. Although extended contact is inherently a social network phenomenon (“a friend of a friend is a friend”), research has thus far […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Julia Eberlen

Election outcome as norm indicator: An exploration of the influence of election results from the 2017 French presidential election and ego-networks on FN endorsement— By Julia Eberlen, Matteo Gagliolo & Olivier Klein   Pluralistic ignorance describes the concept of a person adapting their public norm endorsement and behaviour towards a perceived social norm, thereby reinforcing […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Zacharia Bady

Uncovering social cleavages after a civil war: A methodological proposal for the assessment of social identities in surveys Recent social psychological research contributed three important insights about the way social identity may play a part in intergroup conflict and hence about how we should study its role: (1) there is always a multitude of intersecting […]

By Cescup |

Departmental Seminar – Céline Darnon

De la motivation à la reproduction :  Freins psychologiques et idéologiques à la réussite des groupes dominés en contexte éducatif Nous présenterons plusieurs études illustrant les mécanismes contribuant à la reproduction sociale des inégalités de genre et de classe sociale en contextes éducatifs. Nous verrons en particulier que les contextes mettant en avant des buts de […]

By Cescup |


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