Departement Seminar


I am agnostic, not atheist”: A personality and social psychological perspective

I am agnostic, not atheist”: A personality and social psychological perspective Prof. Vassilis Saroglou In the Western countries, about half of the non-believers/non-religious self-identify as agnostic, not as atheist. Does this convictional status reflect only epistemic differences between these two types of non-believers (“I do not know” vs. “God does not exist”) or also deeper […]

By Paul Bertin |

Jugements et prises de décisions morales : challenges et contributions apportées par un nouveau paradigme de mouse-tracking

Jugements et prises de décisions morales : challenges et contributions apportées par un nouveau paradigme de mouse-tracking Prof. Annique Smeding La présentation se centrera sur une série d’études en cognition morale ayant mobilisé un nouveau paradigme de mouse-tracking adapté à des stimuli moraux. La présentation introduira le mouse-tracking comme technique de traçage des processus cognitifs, […]

By Paul Bertin |

Le partage social des émotions chez les personnes traumatisées; une comparaison intrapersonnelle, interpersonnelle et groupale

Le partage social des émotions chez les personnes traumatisées; une comparaison intrapersonnelle, interpersonnelle et groupale Marie Clergeau En 2009, un concept fondateur en psychologie sociale voit le jour : le partage social des émotions (PSE), créé par Bernard Rimé. Si ce concept joue un rôle important dans la régulation émotionnelle, la création de liens sociaux, […]

By Paul Bertin |

Conspiracy Believers Favour Conspiracy Based Explanations of Events Even When They Are the Official Accounts

Conspiracy Believers Favour Conspiracy Based Explanations of Events Even When They Are the Official Accounts Dr Kenzo Nera Individuals differ in their relatively stable propensity to believe in conspiracy theories, namely, conspiracy mentality. Prototypical conspiracy theories claim 1) that some group(s) conspired against the rest of society, and 2) that this truth is concealed by […]

By Paul Bertin |

Manipulons le contexte, pas la classe sociale

Manipulons le contexte, pas la classe sociale  Dr. Nele Claes Lorsqu’on s’intéresse aux inégalités sociales, une question récurrente concerne l’utilisation de méthode expérimentale pour démontrer des effets de classe sociale. Dans ce séminaire, je tenterai d’argumenter qu’une option à considérer est de manipuler les contextes sociaux plutôt que la classe sociale. Dans un premier temps, […]

By Paul Bertin |

Social representations of colonialism, migrations and decolonial activisms

Social representations of colonialism, migrations and decolonial activisms Prof. Rosa Cabecinhas I will start with a brief review of the studies on Social representations of colonialism conducted in several Portuguese-speaking countries, including the former colonial ‘metropole’ and several former African colonies, discussing the impact of the lusotropicalism myth in present-day intergroup relations. Then, I will […]

By Paul Bertin |

BIAS MAP- moderated by Social Dominance Orientation and Need of Cognitive Closure

BIAS MAP- moderated by Social Dominance Orientation and Need of Cognitive Closure Nino Butsashvili Fiske’s BIAS Map model considers prejudice to various out-groups based on the out-group stereotypes, such as competence and warmth. The combination of these two creates a firm image of out-group representatives and causes respective emotions, which, in turn, lead to the […]

By Paul Bertin |

Exclusion of ethno-religious minorities in European countries: The role of immigrant integration policies and welfare policies

Exclusion of ethno-religious minorities in European countries: The role of immigrant integration policies and welfare policies Dr. Michael Savelkoul (Assistant Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen) During the past decades many European countries have become more diverse in terms of ethnic and religious groups. In our research we set out to rigorously test previous theoretical propositions that […]

By Paul Bertin |


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