Aveuglé·e par votre perception? L’invisibilité intersectionnelle en tant que cécité attentionnelle
Aveuglé·e par votre perception? L’invisibilité intersectionnelle en tant que cécité attentionnelle Youri Mora (doctorant, Université Libre de Bruxelles) Abstract. La discrimination est souvent étudiée comme un comportement actif, mais une forme plus subtile consiste à ignorer des individus par un mécanisme d’invisibilité (négliger ou ignorer un stimulus). Un modèle d’invisibilité intersectionnelle a été proposé (Purdie-Vaughns […]
Representations of Normalization among Palestinians: From Political Discourse to Intergroup Contact with Israelis
Representations of Normalization among Palestinians: From Political Discourse to Intergroup Contact with Israelis Mai Albzour (PhD, Birzeit University, Palestine) Abstract. The phenomenon of “normalization” is probably one of the most debatable and problematic aspects of the Israeli-Arab conflict and peace relations. Using a mixed methods approach, I track the historical emergence of the term “normalization” […]
How appraisals of an in-group’s collective history shape collective identity and action: Evidence in relation to African identity (March 18th)
How appraisals of an in-group’s collective history shape collective identity and action: Evidence in relation to African identity Damilola Makanju (PhD student, University of Exeter, UK) Abstract: I report ongoing research on the multi-dimensional nature of how group members appraise their collective history, and the impact of those appraisals on in-group identification and group-based […]
Rendre présent.es les absent.es : les Afrodescedant.es dans la lutte contre le VIH et le secteur de la santé sexuelle en Belgique francophone.
Rendre présent.es les absent.es : les Afrodescedant.es dans la lutte contre le VIH et le secteur de la santé sexuelle en Belgique francophone Sarah Demart (PhD, Université Libre de Bruxelles) Abstract. Cette communication questionne les conditions auxquelles les personnes noires et d’ascendance africaine peuvent, d’un point de vue épistémologique et empirique, être rendues présentes dans […]
National nostalgia and socio-political dynamics (January 18th)
National nostalgia and socio-political dynamics Anouk Smeekes, PhD (Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations) Abstract. In various Western European countries, both right and left wing politicians have claimed that, as a consequence of the growing cultural and religious diversification of these societies, native majority members no longer […]
The role of cognition on intergroup relations (December 21st)
The role of cognition on intergroup relations Jonas de Keersmaecker (PhD, Ramon Llull University, Spain) Abstract. Prejudice is a global societal problem, requiring a deeper understanding of its antecedents. Traditional approaches have focused on the role of political ideology and environmental factors. In this talk, I will present a series of (working) papers that utilize […]
Fostering a more Critical Collective Memory (December 14th)
Fostering a more Critical Collective Memory Carmen Lienen (post-doctoral researcher at the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany) Abstract. History is no objective account of the past but a collective narrative that is influenced by present identity needs of a group. To maintain a positive group identity, this narrative often highlights events that portray the ingroup in […]
Societal Effects of Conspiracy Theories and their Mitigation (November 23rd)
Societal Effects of Conspiracy Theories and their Mitigation Lotte Pummerer (PhD student at the University of Tübingen, Germany) Abstract. Research has shown that believing in conspiracy theories is connected with negative societal consequences, such as decreased social engagement and less trust in authorities. However, this research has mostly used cross-sectional designs, and research on the […]