Biased About others’ Biases: The impact of Attitude Congruence and Information Seeking Behavior on the Judgement of People Persisting in Their Prior Beliefs
Biased About others’ Biases: The impact of Attitude Congruence and Information Seeking Behavior on the Judgement of People Persisting in Their Prior Beliefs Dr Kenzo Nera (CeSCuP, ULB) Many consider confirmation bias as one of the most pervasive phenomena in information processing, and the dismissal of information that challenges one’s views as a symptom of […]
International Francqui professorship final symposium: The Social Psychology of Inequalities
On Friday 5th of April 2019, as part of the Francqui international professorship attributed to Prof. Jolanda Jetten, will organize a symposium on the social psychology of inequalities. Four outstanding international scholars have been invited to talk about this topic. The symposium will take place in the Rubens room of the beautiful Palais des Académies/Paleis […]