CeSCuP virtual seminar - Production and Consumption of Narco-music in a Transnational World (Tuesday 16th of March)

Soy gallo de Sinaloa jugado en varios palenques. Production and Consumption of Narco-music in a Transnational World Helena Simonett (Professor, Lucerne University, Switzerland) & César Jesús Burgos Dávila (Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México) Abstract. Global attention has shaped the public’s view of 'Mexican culture' as one related to drug trafficking


16 March 2021 - 16 h 00 min


16 March 2021 - 18 h 00 min


Microsoft Teams (link in the description)   View map


Departement Seminar

Soy gallo de Sinaloa jugado en varios palenques. Production and Consumption of Narco-music in a Transnational World

Helena Simonett (Professor, Lucerne University, Switzerland) & César Jesús Burgos Dávila (Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México)

Abstract. Global attention has shaped the public’s view of ‘Mexican culture’ as one related to drug trafficking and violence. Despite the many measures taken by the Mexican state to curb narco-music, the genre has been received into a new and enlarged cultural realm via networks of transnational migration, consumption, and communication. Narco-music’s popularity exposes the failure of the Mexican state to successfully combat drug trafficking and organized crime. The existence of a thriving transnational narco-culture points to the very corruption, conspiracy, crisis, and collapse of state order, and reflects a shift in the paradigm of Mexican-ness. An analysis of the history of this genre allows us to critically examine narco-music’s role in the production of meaning and the shaping of communities and socio-musical practices; the joint effect of media and migration on the work of imagination as a constitutive feature of modern subjectivity; and the messy articulation of transnationally-produced values, ideologies, and aesthetics.


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