Departement Seminar


L’effet d’hypocrisie induite : de son explication en termes d’écart à la norme sociale et son application à la prévention du harcèlement scolaire

L’effet d’hypocrisie induite : de son explication en termes d’écart à la norme sociale et son application à la prévention du harcèlement scolaire Dr Maxime Mauduy (LPS, Université Paris Cité) Imaginez que j’introduise ce séminaire en vous demandant de défendre publiquement l’importance du pré-enregistrement puis que je vous fasse remarquer que, parmi vos cinq dernières […]

By Paul Bertin |

Test de l’illusion de causalité : enseignements du développement d’un paradigme et d’une mesure

Test de l’illusion de causalité : enseignements du développement d’un paradigme et d’une mesure Prof. Dominique Muller (Université Grenoble Alpes) S’il en était besoin la crise du covid a bien illustré la difficulté pour tout un chacun de juger si une cause produit un effet, par exemple si un médicament guérit des patients malades. La littérature […]

By Paul Bertin |

L’écume du racisme : le traitement judiciaire des infractions racistes en France

L’écume du racisme : le traitement judiciaire des infractions racistes en France Dr Abdellali Hajjat (GERME, ULB) Comment le système judiciaire français traite-t-il les infractions à caractère raciste ? A partir d’une enquête dans trois tribunaux correctionnels, l’objectif de cette communication est de rendre compte du processus allant du fait raciste en lui-même à son éventuelle […]

By Paul Bertin |

Softly empowering a prosocial expert in the family: lasting effects of a counter-misinformation intervention in an informational autocracy

Softly empowering a prosocial expert in the family: lasting effects of a counter-misinformation intervention in an informational autocracy Dr Gabor Orosz (Univ Artois) The present work is the first to comprehensively analyze the gravity of the misinformation problem in Hungary, where misinformation appears regularly in the pro-governmental, populist, and socially conservative mainstream media. In line with […]

By Paul Bertin |

Biased About others’ Biases: The impact of Attitude Congruence and Information Seeking Behavior on the Judgement of People Persisting in Their Prior Beliefs

Biased About others’ Biases: The impact of Attitude Congruence and Information Seeking Behavior on the Judgement of People Persisting in Their Prior Beliefs Dr Kenzo Nera (CeSCuP, ULB) Many consider confirmation bias as one of the most pervasive phenomena in information processing, and the dismissal of information that challenges one’s views as a symptom of […]

By Paul Bertin |

Blocking peace at the checkpoint: How the geography of repression affects Palestinians’ psychological well-being and political attitudes

Blocking peace at the checkpoint: How the geography of repression affects Palestinians’ psychological well-being and political attitudes Dr Sandra Penić (University of Geneva) Checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territory serve as enduring symbols of the military occupation and Israel’s ever-present power over Palestinian civilians. We examine how residing in proximity to checkpoints shapes Palestinians’ psychological well-being […]

By Paul Bertin |

Women’s and men’s support for gender equality policies in organizations: From belief in gender discrimination to perceived organizational hypocrisy

Women’s and men’s support for gender equality policies in organizations: From belief in gender discrimination to perceived organizational hypocrisy Joseph Mumbanza (CeSCuP; CEBRIG, ULB) In this research, we tested whether belief in gender discrimination explains employees’ attitudes toward gender equality policies differently for men and women. We hypothesized that belief in gender discrimination predicts men’s attitudes […]

By Paul Bertin |

Understanding power, resistance and oppression in Kurdish diaspora

Understanding power, resistance and oppression in Kurdish diaspora Dr. Canan Coskan (CeSCuP; independent) What are the social and political psychological factors that contribute to the steadfastness of marginalized communities resisting against oppression, dispossession, and criminalization at the intersections of the matrix of domination such as racism, colonialism, capitalism, sexism, cisheteropatriarchy, and ableism? How we can […]

By Paul Bertin |


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B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
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