
Departmental Seminar – Katrien Fransen


Leading from within: Athlete leaders’ capacity to enhance confidence and performance  by strengthening players’ team identification   Leadership is a fundamental aspect of sports performance, particularly within team sport environments. Over the past 25 years, there has been significant research exploring the role of the coach/manager in this regard. However, this only represents one aspect […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Departmental Seminar – Ana Figueiredo


MAPUMEDIA: Representations of the Mapuche in four Chilean newspapers (2010-2015) The mass media are a pervasive source of information, influence and sense making in present day societies. More specifically, nationally available newspapers can be seen as a source of information that influences public opinion and shapes representations of social issues among both majority and minority […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Departmental Seminar – Celia Blanchet


Effets de l’identité sociale sur la mémoire transactive et les performances collectives De plus en plus d’organisations s’appuient sur le travail en équipe et font face au défi suivant : encourager le travail collaboratif en favorisant le partage et la reconnaissance des expertises entre les membres d’un groupe. En effet, l’efficacité d’une équipe passe par le […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Department Seminar – Antonin Carrier


Percevoir autrui comme moral ou comme sociable, pour quoi faire ?   Une des leçons les plus élémentaires émanant de la littérature sur la perception sociale est que la perception sert l’action. Ceci est surtout vrai pour les perceptions sur la dimension “Chaleur”. Ainsi aura t-on tendance à approcher une personne sympathique et à éviter […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Departmental seminar – Joachim Krueger


Self-enhancement: Conceptualization and Measurement     Self-enhancement is a signature effect in social cognition. I offer a brief historical review of theory and research on self-enhancement, followed by a short introduction and critique of conventional discrepancy-score measures of the effect. Then, I introduce a decision-theoretic approach, which mitigates some of the problems of conventional measures […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

PSYFOOD Seminar Emely de Vet


How to navigate a tempting food environment Obesity and overweight increased dramatically in the past decades in most countries. Our modern food environment, characterized by an easy accessibility and wide availability of tempting foods, is often held responsible for this epidemic. However, it is not exactly clear how the food environment gets under the skin. […]

At 14 h 00 min
10 Place Cardinal Mercier Michotte - Louvain-La-Neuve (Room SOCRATE 26 - Université Catholique de Louvain)

Departmental Seminar – Marie Delacre


Pourquoi les psychologues devraient utiliser le test de Welch plutôt que les tests t de Student ou ANOVA   Quand les psychologues doivent comparer deux ou plusieurs groupes, ils utilisent communément le test t de Student ou l’ANOVA. Or, ces tests reposent sur des hypothèses de normalité et d’homogénéité des variances qui ne sont pas […]

At 12 h 30 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Conference – “Diversity in organizations”


***Conference organized by the Centre Emile Bernheim, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management*** Conference “Diversity in Organization”     Managing diversity in organizations is one of the main challenges for managers and policymakers. This conference aims to address multiple facets of diversity (e.g., cultural, gender, knowledge) and how they impact various organizational outcomes (e.g., well-being, […]

At 9 h 00 min
42 Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt - 1050 Brussels - Solbosch Campus, R42 building, 2nd floor, room 110 (R42.2.110) - Centre Emile Bernheim, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management


Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt CP122
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
Phone: +32 (2) 650 4643 Fax: +32 (2) 650 4045