
Populist Thin Ideology and Identity Threat: From Identity Motives to Cardiovascular Measures of Threat


Populist Thin Ideology and Identity Threat: From Identity Motives to Cardiovascular Measures of Threat Dr. Efisio Manunta (University of Limerick) Populism is on the rise across liberal democracies. A core scientific issue is to understand the social psychological underpinnings of this increasing endorsement of the populist thin ideology. This is characterised by two beliefs: 1) […]

At 12 h 45 min

Territorial ownership beliefs as a novel angle for understanding intergroup relations in multi-ethnic societies


Territorial ownership beliefs as a novel angle for understanding intergroup relations in multi-ethnic societies Dr Borja Martinović (Utrecht University) Even without legal ownership, people may experience objects, places, and ideas as belonging to them (‘mine’). Research has shown that such experiences of ownership are very important for individuals’ self-esteem, but can also lead to interpersonal […]

At 12 h 45 min

Réseaux sociaux et bien-être subjectif : une approche cross-plateforme


Réseaux sociaux et bien-être subjectif : une approche cross-plateforme Dr Alexandra Masciantonio (université de Maastricht) L’essor de TikTok en 2016 a suscité de nouvelles inquiétudes concernant l’impact des réseaux sociaux sur la santé mentale. Bien que les méta-analyses suggèrent une association négative (Huang, 2017; Liu & Baumeister, 2016; Yoon et al., 2019), cet effet est considéré […]

At 12 h 45 min

Sexualisation de soi et engagement féministe : Une question d’émancipation face aux hiérarchies de genre ?


Sexualisation de soi et engagement féministe : Une question d’émancipation face aux hiérarchies de genre ? Céline Castellino (Université de Genève et Université de Lausanne) En s’appuyant sur les résultats de De Wilde et al. (2020) qui montrent que la sexualisation de soi et l’objectification de soi n’est pas nécessairement néfaste pour l’activisme féministe des […]

At 12 h 45 min

Post-truth politics and political parties


Post-truth politics and political parties Dr Nathalie Brack (ULB) There seems to be a broad agreement we are currently undergoing a crisis of political and epistemic authority. However, the pervasive dissensus on what it is, let alone how to address it, persists. The role of experts is at the forefront of those considerations. While some […]

At 12 h 45 min

Malléabilité idéologique: Instrumentalisation de la laïcité et de l’égalité de genre dans des contextes multiculturels


Malléabilité idéologique: Instrumentalisation de la laïcité et de l’égalité de genre dans des contextes multiculturels Dr Pascaline Van Oost (UCL) Depuis les années 1980, les débats sur le foulard et l’intégration de l’islam agitent la France et la Belgique. La laïcité et l’émancipation des femmes ont été invoquées pour justifier l’interdiction des signes religieux. De […]

At 12 h 45 min

Adopting a person-within-context approach in predicting intergroup attitudes


Adopting a person-within-context approach in predicting intergroup attitudes Berfin Acar (CeSCuP, ULB) In explaining or reducing prejudice, the literature so far has largely focused on either individual differences (such as social-ideological beliefs) or contextual factors (such as the amount of diversity in one’s environment or norms predominantly endorsed by one’s ingroup). With three different projects, […]

At 12 h 45 min

Understanding Kurdish power: An anticolonial and critical race approach for (re)formulizing ‘power from below’


Understanding Kurdish power: An anticolonial and critical race approach for (re)formulizing ‘power from below’ Canan Coşkan (Independent researcher with scientific affiliations to CeSCuP (Université Libre de Bruxelles) & IKG (Bielefeld University)) In this presentation, I will introduce an example for (re)formulating ‘power from below’ to study of asymmetrical intergroup relations by shifting our conceptual lens […]

At 12 h 45 min


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