Racism-evasion in Intergroup Phenomena among White Americans and Social Psychological Research

Racism-evasion in Intergroup Phenomena among White Americans and Social Psychological Research Syed Muhammad Omar (University of Kansas) A core feature of right-wing reaction in the US is hostility to systematic racism as a constitutive aspect of modern society. Resistance to a systemic conception of racism is evident not only in


3 September 2024 - 12 h 45 min


3 September 2024 - 14 h 00 min


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Departement Seminar

Racism-evasion in Intergroup Phenomena among White Americans and Social Psychological Research

Syed Muhammad Omar (University of Kansas)

A core feature of right-wing reaction in the US is hostility to systematic racism as a constitutive aspect of modern society. Resistance to a systemic conception of racism is evident not only in a preference for understanding racism as individual prejudice, but also in the White Race-evasive Attenuation (WREA) effect: the racism-denying tendency of White Americans to minimize differences in perceptions of discrimination—especially in structural forms—as a function of target race. Across 2 studies, we tested hypotheses to show that the WREA effects are not innocent features due to information deficit but represent a white-interested reaction against systemic racism. We discuss and extend the results  to consider how racism-evasion is not limited to right-wing reaction but is also evident in mainstream social psychology’s conceptualization of intergroup phenomena, such as that of the recent escalation of settler-colonial violence in Israel-Palestine.
سید محمد عمر (Syed Muhammad Omar) is a graduate student enrolled in the Social Psychology Ph.D. program at University of Kansas. Informed by his racialized position as a Pakistani immigrant, Omar’s social scientific endeavors are associated with an interdisciplinary approach towards critical, cultural, and decolonial psychology perspectives. Generally, his research aims at contributing to collective understanding of how society has evolved and continues to evolve concomitantly with perpetual modernization processes. Current projects include investigation of the cultural psychological foundations of racialization, a critical race perspective to identity, a decolonial approach to environmental psychology, and a study of well-being and relational priorities in Ghana.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CeSCuP ainsi qu’en ligne, via ce lien : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a34a093c9eea043c0a6dd9b5cd4cdd2a8%40thread.tacv2/1718880774329?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2230a5145e-75bd-4212-bb02-8ff9c0ea4ae9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e5543702-1628-4726-b5c4-a1eac25bde08%22%7d


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