The extended contact asymmetry: Authoritarianism and its interaction with positive and negative extended contact

The extended contact asymmetry: Authoritarianism and its interaction with positive and negative extended contact Dr Claas Pollmanns (Chemnitz University) In this presentation, I explore the nuanced impact of extended intergroup contact on attitudes towards immigrants, focusing on the moderating role of authoritarianism. Positive extended contact is known to improve intergroup


18 June 2024 - 12 h 45 min


18 June 2024 - 14 h 00 min


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Departement Seminar

The extended contact asymmetry: Authoritarianism and its interaction with positive and negative extended contact

Dr Claas Pollmanns (Chemnitz University)

In this presentation, I explore the nuanced impact of extended intergroup contact on attitudes towards immigrants, focusing on the moderating role of authoritarianism. Positive extended contact is known to improve intergroup attitudes (for example through its normative power to represent positive intergroup relations) especially among individuals high in authoritarianism. However, the effects of negative extended contact are less understood, and no prior study has examined its interaction with authoritarianism. With a meta-analytical approach using data from seven diverse samples (2,760 respondents across four countries), I demonstrate how both positive and negative extended contacts influence attitudes within advantaged ethnic-cultural groups.

The findings confirm that positive extended contact significantly enhances tolerance among high authoritarians. Conversely, negative extended contact affects intergroup attitudes similarly regardless of authoritarian levels, revealing an asymmetry in extended contact effects. These results challenge assumptions about negative intergroup interactions and underscore the importance of promoting positive intergroup norms through direct contact experiences. I’ll discuss open questions of (extended) contact research and the implications of the findings.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CeSCuP ainsi qu’en ligne, via ce lien :


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