Voices from Georgia: How do Studies of Attitude Contribute to the New Knowledge?

Voices from Georgia: How do Studies of Attitude Contribute to the New Knowledge? Prof. Nino Javakhishvili (Professor of social psychology, director of D. Uznadze Institute of Psychology, Ilia State University) Georgian and South Caucasian scholarly works are underrepresented on the international arena of social science research. One of the main


20 June 2023 - 12 h 45 min


20 June 2023 - 14 h 00 min


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Departement Seminar

Voices from Georgia: How do Studies of Attitude Contribute to the New Knowledge?

Prof. Nino Javakhishvili (Professor of social psychology, director of D. Uznadze Institute of Psychology, Ilia State University)

Georgian and South Caucasian scholarly works are underrepresented on the international arena of social science research. One of the main reasons for this is the Soviet past: social sciences were not welcomed by the Soviet Union and have developed relatively recently in these areas, resulting in a small number of publications overall. Authors of these publications apply existing Western theories and models to describe and explain local situations, however, context, quite often, influences the results, which do not always match these theories. Therefore, I will present our research findings on the background of the Georgian context, which helps explain them. I will present attitudes of Georgians to ethnic and religious outgroups, as well as to the European Union, measured by stereotypes and social distances. Then, I will explain these with mainstream social psychological theories, including stereotype content model (Fiske and colleagues). Some of these findings contribute to enrichment of existing theories through demonstrating mechanisms of prejudice.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CeSCuP ainsi qu’en ligne, via ce lien : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a34a093c9eea043c0a6dd9b5cd4cdd2a8%40thread.tacv2/1686053671291?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2230a5145e-75bd-4212-bb02-8ff9c0ea4ae9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e5543702-1628-4726-b5c4-a1eac25bde08%22%7d


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