Departement Seminar – Jozefien De Leersnyder (University of Leuven)
Emotional Acculturation ABSTRACT: Patterns of emotions – how frequently and intensely people experience a range of emotions – differ across cultures in line with cultural differences in salient concerns. Therefore, changes in people’s cultural context (e.g., due to migration) may bring about changes in their patterns of emotional experience – a process we coined emotional […]
Departement Seminar – Emilie Caspar
Doing the dirty work – influence of coercion of the sense of agency ABSTRACT: In the so-called Nuremberg defense, people claimed they were not responsible for their despicable actions because they were only « obeying orders ». In the famous experiments of Stanley Milgram (1963, 1974), experimenters persuaded participants to inflict allegedly painful (and deadly) electric shocks […]
Departement Seminar – Vincent Yzerbyt
Compensation between competence and warmth in intergroup relations: Structural and strategic foundations ABSTRACT: Recent work in intergroup relations stresses the role of two fundamental dimensions, competence and warmth. A pattern often encountered in people’s evaluations is one of compensation in that a group that is seen higher than another group on one of these two […]
Departement Seminar – Richard Bourhis
Rester ou Partir ? Acculturation et effets des facteurs « Push/Pull » chez les Francophones et Anglophones du Québec By Richard Bourhis & Rana Sioufi – Université du Québec, Montréal (Canada)
Department Seminar – Roland Imhoff
The ABC of Stereotypes Perceiving each person only as an unique and distinct individual without relying on any assumption based on this person’s group membership (e.g., that she is a woman, a teenager, a professor) would result in an unbearable complexity of information. People therefore simplify and rely on stereotypes they have of specific […]