Maartje Mulders
Phd StudentStart
13 November 2018 - 12 h 30 min
13 November 2018 - 14 h 00 min
30 Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Brussels (Room DC8.322 - 8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Université Libre de Bruxelles) View mapCategories
Departement SeminarPresenting, it’s a skill!
During this presentation I will provide some tips and tricks on how to present well. Some skills were taught to me during a class in university, some were skills I developed over time. Not only will there be some time devoted to the practical aspects (e.g., how to make good slides), but also some “do’s and don’ts” will be covered, as well as different programs (e.g., PowerPoint vs. Prezi). If you have any presenting-issues or specific questions that you would like to be covered during the presentation, feel free to let me know beforehand and I will do my best to cover it as well (contact: mmulders@ulb.ac.be).