
PSYFOOD Seminar – Olga Pollatos


On the role of interoceptive processes for emotions and health-related behavior   Interoception is understood as the sensing and representation of signals concerning the internal state of the body. Within psychology, there has been a resurgence of interest in interoception, driven by increasing realization of the extent to which mental processes are embodied. Individual differences […]

At 10 h 30 min
Room SOC 43 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL; Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve)

Department Seminar – Laetitia Renier


Me voyez-vous tel que je me vois ? L’impact du narcissisme sur la méta-perception   Notre société valorise les tendances narcissiques et celles-ci sont amplifiées par l’usage des médias sociaux. Les narcissiques développent de bonnes relations surtout à court terme, mais sont égocentriques et très préoccupés par l’image qu’ils donnent aux autres. Comprendre les difficultés relationnelles […]

At 12 h 30 min
Room DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch - Avenue A. Depage, 50, 1050 Brussels)

Department Seminar – Pierre Petit


Lumumba, icône planétaire:  La mise en image et en récit d’un héros africain contemporain   Figure centrale de l’indépendance du Congo, Patrice Lumumba mourut en 1961 dans des conditions tragiques qui le firent célébrer comme martyr de par le monde – et plus particulièrement en Afrique, dans les pays de l’Est et dans les milieux […]

At 12 h 30 min
Room DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch - Avenue A. Depage, 50, 1050 Brussels)

PSYFOOD Seminar – Jessica Werthmann


Attention bias for food, eating behaviour and body weight     Living in an “obesogenic” environment poses a serious challenge for weight maintenance. Yet, not everybody is equally susceptible to food temptations. The way in which someone perceives and reacts to this environment could contribute to individual differences in the susceptibility to food temptations. Recently, […]

At 11 h 15 min
LOCAL SOCR 23 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve

Department Seminar – Antoine Roblain


Quelles perspectives d’intégration pour les réfugiés? Analyse des intentions d’acculturation des demandeurs d’asile syriens et irakiens Depuis le début du conflit syrien, ce sont environ 12 millions de Syriens qui ont pris la voie de l’exil. Alors que 2 millions d’entre eux sont actuellement en Turquie, 506.597 migrants auraient passé les frontières de l’Europe (ReliefWeb, […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

Department Seminar – Ana Figueiredo


Representations of colonialism and present day intergroup relations: The cases of Congolese immigrants in Belgium and of Portuguese colonial war veterans     Recent research has shown that, even if colonialism is now part of the past for many countries, the way people perceive and represent such a past influences (and is influenced) by present […]

At 12 h 30 min
DC8.322 (8th floor, Building D, Campus Solbosch)

PSYFOOD Seminar – Nathalie Michels


UGent Unit “Nutrition and Food Safety”: New focus on stress and emotion   The unit ‘Nutrition and Food Safety’ was launched as an independent unit within the Department of Public Health in 1998, with the major aim to promote the importance of diet as a major determinant of public health. Currently three main research niches […]

At 10 h 30 min
Room SOCR 27 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL; Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve)

PSYFOOD Seminar – Pierre Chandon


Pleasure as a Substitute for Size: How Multisensory Imagery Can Make People Happier with Smaller Food Portions   Research on overeating assumes that pleasure must be sacrificed for the sake of good health. Contrary to this view, the authors show that focusing on sensory pleasure can make people happier and willing to spend more for […]

At 9 h 30 min
Room SOCR 28 - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL; Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10, Louvain-la-Neuve)


Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt CP122
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
Phone: +32 (2) 650 4643 Fax: +32 (2) 650 4045