Departement Seminar


Séminaire CeSCuP virtuel : Migrant Voices, entre recherche appliquée et fondamentale

Migrant Voices, entre recherche appliquée et fondamentale : l’histoire de diverses approches collaboratives avec les acteurs de terrain Emanuele Politi (KULeuven) & Antoine Roblain (ULB) Abstract:  L’objectif du séminaire est d’ouvrir une discussion sur les pratiques de recherche en psychologie sociale et de vous présenter une approche que nous (Emanuele et Antoine) avons adoptée dans […]

By Antoine Roblain |

Séminaire CeSCuP virtuel : Les tests d’équivalence et la 2ème génération de p-valeur (SGPV)

Les tests d’équivalence et la 2ème génération de p-valeur (SGPV) Marie Delacre (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Abstract. Trop souvent, en tant que chercheur, on interprète le non rejet de l’hypothèse nulle comme la preuve de l’absence d’effet. D’abord, on a pour habitude de définir l’hypothèse nulle comme l’hypothèse d’absence d’effet, sans réaliser que ce n’est […]

By Kenzo Nera |

CeSCuP virtual seminar – Do the Advantaged Support (Non-)Normative Protest by the Disadvantaged? The Means Must Fit the Circumstances (October 27th)

Do the Advantaged Support (Non-)Normative Protest by the Disadvantaged? The Means Must Fit the Circumstances Dr. Cátia P. Teixeira, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Co-authors: Russell Spears (University of Groningen), Aarti Iyer (University of Sheffield), & Colin Wayne Leach (Columbia University).   Abstract. Disadvantaged groups use different means to protest against inequality. […]

By Kenzo Nera |

CeSCuP virtual seminar – Towards a Psychology of Refugee Integration (October 20th)

Towards a Psychology of Refugee Integration Pr. Gerald Echterhoff, WWU Münster Abstract. Worldwide numbers of refugees have surged again, now exceeding 26 million. In the foreseeable future, most refugees will not be able to return to their homes. The integration of refugees in receiving countries is the most promising and decent response to this situation, […]

By Kenzo Nera |

CeSCuP virtual seminar – Narcoculture in Mexico: The psychosocial implications of drug trafficking (October 13th)

Narcoculture in Mexico: The psychosocial implications of drug trafficking Dr. David Moreno Candil, Department of Humanities and Behavioral Cience (Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades) of The Universidad Autonoma de Occidente (Sinaloa, Mexico) Abstract: Drug trafficking is a social phenomenon with strong historical roots in Mexico, throughout its history this activity has gone from being permitted to […]

By Kenzo Nera |

CeSCuP virtual seminar – Justifying Atrocities: Moral Disengagement, Ingroup Glorification and Essentialism in Post- War Sri Lanka (May 19th)

Justifying Atrocities: Moral Disengagement, Ingroup Glorification and Essentialism in Post- War Sri Lanka  Kulani Abendroth-Dias (PhD candidate, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva) & Johanna Ray Vollhardt (Associate professor, Clark University, Massachusetts)   Abstract. The psychosocial mechanisms by which individuals cognitively restructure and disengage themselves from moral transgressions is vital to the study […]

By Kenzo Nera |

CeSCuP virtual seminar – Does resistance to immoral orders increase in the aftermath of a genocide? A social neuroscience study in Rwanda (tuesday 28th of April)

Does resistance to immoral orders increase in the aftermath of a genocide? A social neuroscience study in Rwanda Emilie Caspar, PhD (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Abstract. The history of Mankind is plagued by acts of obedience that lead to the loss of countless lives, cultures and civilizations. History has fortunately shown that some individuals do […]

By Kenzo Nera |

Virtual CeSCuP seminar (Microsoft Teams) – How do dispositions-prejudice associations differ around the globe? (Tuesday 21st of April)

How do dispositions-prejudice associations differ around the globe? Jasper van Assche (PhD, Ghent University)   Abstract: Ample research in social, personality, and political psychology has examined the dispositions that lie at the basis of individual differences in prejudice. Such studies revealed strong, positive, and robust associations of right-wing attitudes and religiosity with various kinds of […]

By Kenzo Nera |


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Secrétaire: Luce Vercammen
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